Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bees and blooms

Saturday was Bee Inspection Day. The girls are doing well, although I didn't feel like I spent enough time out there to get a good enough look so I'll probably go back later this week to check for eggs and brood. But I did get to spend some time sitting by the hive, watching the girls come and go. It's really relaxing to sit and watch them come in and out, laden with pollen on their legs, beating their lacy white wings and communicating with each other.
The ladies return with groceries.

I also took some pictures of some of the things that are blooming and growing on the farm for your viewing pleasure.
Three baby tomatoes on the vine!
Grocery store garlic works JUST as well as seed catalog garlic.

I heard it through the grape vine... growing beside my deck.

This is what asparagus looks like when you let it go to seed instead of picking it. First year crowns need to go to seed first, then the second year you can start cutting the spears when they are the right size.

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